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Our ever-popular Pet Nat is back! A purely natural wine, fermented by natural yeasts with no added sulphites. It is a light, refreshing, slightly cloudy sparkling wine and is absolutely the perfect summer drink. We bottled during harvest while the wine was still frementing, keeping a light fizz in the bottle. It has a slight yeast sediment adding a great yeasty edge to the fruit aromas. The wine will gain yeasty aromas as it ages.

This is a natural wine in every way and is difficult to make, so we only use the best grapes available to us that we know will end up with the right flavours and balance in the wine. The alcohol level is low, at 9.5%.

Ingredients: 100% grapes and nothing else.

Grape Varieties: Auxerrois (69%), Pinot  Meunier (18%), Faber (13%)

Total sulphites  6 mg/L (no sulphites were added but the yeast does produce some sulphites in the fermentation process)


Pet Nat 2023

SKU: 23petnat
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